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Questioning Legal Foundations Of Lgbt

It is commonly perceived that LGBT today in terms of a social issue has something to do wi Questioning Legal Foundations of LGBT

It is commonly perceived that LGBT today in terms of a social issue has something to do with a struggle for the rights of minority groups and value of equality. LGBT community seems to be appeared again along with the rise of democracy and democratization in almost all aspects of our life. In the sense that we are living under democratic regime today, we can’t deny the existence of LGBT community. It is a fact we should acknowledge. Even in some countries, LGBT is, by law, legal, which means that is protected under the state constitution.

Now, how we have to deal with that fact? Here I would like to question some of legal opinions supporting or promoting LGBT in our society. Before going further, I’ll put myself in a clear position. I personally disagree with arguments and acts which are trying to support or promote LGBT. My reasonable reason started by this following question, “what makes LGBT has its legal foundations in some areas and not in the other?”

Popular surveys show us that the most countries by which successfully formulate LGBT legislation are western countries. I am trying not to divide the world into two parts, which is often considered naïve. But let us take a look at LGBT legislation in the US and Netherland, for example. LGBT community has its law supremacy there. Their government protects their rights and beings. The issue of the same sec marriage in the US and Netherland reached a peak of popularity just yesterday, and today it arrives at a happy-ending story for LGBT supporters.

Reflecting on that case, at least, there are three common issues that set to be basic arguments to legislate LGBT. First, an issue of human right. For the sake of human right, freedom of minority groups should be protected and guaranteed by law. That argument is principal. All people are free and protected by law that is all. Second, an issue of democratic process in politics. Meaning by this, the constitution is revised and formulated to support values within which correlate to principals of democracy, such as freedom and equality. Third, and also the last, is family values. This is quite an interesting issue raised that leads to a surprising research finding that force us to rethink the structure of family. If we look at the case of a gay couple or a lesbian’s in US or some other countries for instance, it is said that the way they raise the children is better than single parents does. It means that the same sec couple is considerably ‘good enough’ in taking care of the children. The research also shows that there is no significant difference results between heterosecual parents and homosecual parents in raising the children.

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Now, after considering the logics of what constitute legal foundations of LGBT, I would like to share my opinion. Because of LGBT is now a part of our society, I will do respect their beings as a human. In the name of common values, like justice, no discrimination, respect each other. In this matter, I join in among those who are human right supporters. It does not matter with me to work together with them is certain fields. But in the name of my principal and rationality I will not promote and support LGBT. Why? Because of it is difficult for me to argue against a reasonable reason which is saying that ‘a woman for a man and vice versa’. It sounds like a divine project and I am seemingly turning to be a conservative theologian. Well I think that’s fine.

Sumber aciknadzirah.blogspot.com

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