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Mall Of Scandinavia: I Shop Therefore I Am

Lights on the grand opening of the biggest shopping mall in Scandinavia was glittered in t Mall of Scandinavia: I Shop Therefore I Am

Lights on the grand opening of the biggest shopping mall in Scandinavia was glittered in town of Solna, part of metropolitan Stockholm. With the prominent name ‘Mall of Scandinavia, the opening event successfully attracted thousand eyes of Stockholmers. After Swedish class, I took myself a train to Solna with the enthusiasm of feeling the atmosphere.

“I shop therefore I am”, a shopaholic wisdom inspired by Cartesian credo came to my mind. As you might know, shopping is not merely buying things. It could also include sightseeing. Sociologically speaking, it is more about social experiencing. That is why I was about to participating in.

Basically shopping activity are better incorporated with the various types of consuming. Like you and me, more people come to the shopping mall with more purpose of sightseeing rather than shopping.

Shortly after getting off the train, I walked toward the entrance, and found myself in overcrowded place. The crowd’s presence let me consciously be part of contemporary consumer culture. Some of people here I believe have a huge cultural interest in shopping. Me? Once again just want to feel the atmosphere. No complain.

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Lights on the grand opening of the biggest shopping mall in Scandinavia was glittered in t Mall of Scandinavia: I Shop Therefore I Am

My friends were brilliant for coming too late since being punctual would lead ones to absolutely nowhere but got stuck in the middle of the crowd. “I think I have to go home now”, I said to myself after feeling less and less enthusiastic. Taking some interesting pictures is suddenly more than enough. I turned myself away from the entrance.

Lights on the grand opening of the biggest shopping mall in Scandinavia was glittered in t Mall of Scandinavia: I Shop Therefore I Am

Getting out of the crowd, I saw the police standing up, guarding the front gate. I came close to one of them, and then asking “why people are so enthusiastic?”, “because it is the first time, the grand opening” he said. The answer which definitely did not answer my question at all. Or probably I made mistake for targeting such question to the policeman.

Anyway, it was too cold out there. I then took a quick walk to the bus station. Next time would be a perfect time to shop. For a shopaholic anyway.

Stockholm, 13 November 2015

Sumber aciknadzirah.blogspot.com

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