Firefox Quantum Peramban Gres Mozilla
Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
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The new Firefox. Fast for good.
Today we’re thrilled to introduce you to our merk new browser — Firefox Quantum.
What you’ll notice first is that the new Firefox is blazing fast. In fact, you’ll enjoy speeds up to twice as fast as a year ago. It’s also more powerful. We’ve rebuilt Firefox from the ground up to focus on how you use the Web today to watch, listen, create and play without limits. We’re excited to deliver a browser that feels completely different — modern, quick and efficient. We think you’ll agree: It’s a quantum leap forward in how you’ll experience the Internet.
When you use Firefox, you’re also contributing to a movement to ensure the Internet remains a global public resource, open and accessible to all. As an independent, not-for-profit organization, we’ve been committed since 2003 to building products that put you in control of your online life and advancing open technology and public policy that promote a healthier Internet. We put you at the center of everything we do.
On behalf of Mozilla’s global community, we’re proud to introduce you to the new Firefox. Fast for good.
Chris Beard
CEO, Mozilla
Sumber : Mozilla Corporation
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Wassalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. Sumber
Selamat malam Kamis Sobat Belajar dan Berbagi. Firefox Quantum Peramban Baru Mozilla. Mozilla Corporation (US) telah memperkenalkan peramban gres nya Firefox Quantum. Tampilan logo Firefox nya pun sedikit lebih cerah dan berbeda dari yang sebelumnya. Saya mengetahuinya gres tadi sore saat Update Mozilla Firefox. Ternyata sehabis jawaban update pribadi muncul notifikasi The new Firefox - Firefox Quantum. Fast for good. Today we’re thrilled to introduce you to our merk new browser - Firefox Quantum dari Chris Beard (CEO, Mozilla) dan tampilan Logo Firefox yang terdapat pada desktop nya berbeda dari sebelumnya.
Walau aku gres menggunakan Peramban Baru Mozilla Firefox Quantum yang gres di rilis tadi jawaban update, berdasarkan isu Firefox Quantum merupakan Firefox gres yang sanggup menyala dengan cepat. Bahkan, kita akan menikmati kecepatan sampai dua kali lebih cepat setahun yang kemudian dan untuk selamanya. Notifikasinya dalam Bahasa Inggris. Mungkin teman tahu artinya hehehe.
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The new Firefox. Fast for good.
Today we’re thrilled to introduce you to our merk new browser — Firefox Quantum.
What you’ll notice first is that the new Firefox is blazing fast. In fact, you’ll enjoy speeds up to twice as fast as a year ago. It’s also more powerful. We’ve rebuilt Firefox from the ground up to focus on how you use the Web today to watch, listen, create and play without limits. We’re excited to deliver a browser that feels completely different — modern, quick and efficient. We think you’ll agree: It’s a quantum leap forward in how you’ll experience the Internet.
When you use Firefox, you’re also contributing to a movement to ensure the Internet remains a global public resource, open and accessible to all. As an independent, not-for-profit organization, we’ve been committed since 2003 to building products that put you in control of your online life and advancing open technology and public policy that promote a healthier Internet. We put you at the center of everything we do.
On behalf of Mozilla’s global community, we’re proud to introduce you to the new Firefox. Fast for good.
Chris Beard
CEO, Mozilla
Sumber : Mozilla Corporation
Peramban Internet di Komputer maupun Laptop yang aku gunakan kini bersama-sama cuma 2 saja yakni Google Chrome dan Firefox. Kalau dulu sebelum komputernya ganti alasannya Hardisknya mati total aku sering menggunakan 3 peramban yakni Google Chrome, Firefox dan Firefox Developer Edition (Firefox Aurora).
Baca juga : Update Firefox Developer Edition
Nah, bagi teman yang menggunakan peramban Mozilla Firefox dan belum di Update ke Firefox terbaru Firefox Quantum, di bawah ini aku sertakan pribadi Link Download nya pribadi dari Website resmi Mozilla Corporation.
Baca juga : Update Google Chrome Offline Installer
Kalau untuk yang Berbahasa Indonesia pilih yang ini.
Melihat Video Tampilan Mozilla Firefox Quantum peramban yang gres di rilis oleh Mozilla Corporation.
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Demikian postingan kali ini wacana Firefox Quantum Peramban Baru Mozilla. Mohon maaf apabila ada kesalahan, kekurangan maupun kata-kata serta goresan pena yang salah yang kurang berkenan di hati. Semoga bermanfaat.
Wassalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. Sumber
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