2 Pola Reflective Summary M3 La 1 Folktale Pgg Daljab Bahasa Inggris
Contoh 1
Narrative Text (Folktale)
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Setting refers to the time and the place in which an event or an action happens. The components of setting are location, weather, time period, and time of day.
- Plot
Plot is sequence of events involving characters in conflict situations. The plots are introduction, problem, and resolution.
The theme in folktale often tells what happened to those who do not obey the group tradition. For example: Justice and injustice, problems of young 4dukt, love and loyalty, etc.
- Characters
Characters are the people or personified animals who are involved in the story. For example, the pahlawan is usually honorable, courageous, unselfish, and caring.
- Problem
Problem is also called complication. Problem is when the main character faces problems or series of incidents where the main character goes to about achieving goals.
- Solution
Solution is the way character respond to the dilema encountered.
Contoh 2
In this activity, I have learned about narrative text (folktale). Narrative Text is an imaginary story to entertain people. Folktale, as a kind of narrative text, is a traditional story or legend that’s common to a specific culture. Folktale often contains a lesson or sopan santun lesson to be learnt.
The key features of report texts to do with jobs include Are:
Setting refers to the time and the place in which an event or an action happens. The components of setting are location, weather, time period, and time of day.
- Plot
Plot is sequence of events involving characters in conflict situations. The plots are introduction, problem, and resolution.
- Theme
The theme in folktale often tells what happened to those who do not obey the group tradition. For example: Justice and injustice, problems of young 4dukt, love and loyalty, etc.
- Characters
Characters are the people or personified animals who are involved in the story. For example, the pahlawan is usually honorable, courageous, unselfish, and caring.
- Problem
Problem is also called complication. Problem is when the main character faces problems or series of incidents where the main character goes to about achieving goals.
- Solution
Solution is the way character respond to the dilema encountered.
Setting refers to the time and the place in which an event or an action happens. The components of setting are location, weather, time period, and time of day.
- Plot
Plot is sequence of events involving characters in conflict situations. The plots are introduction, problem, and resolution.
- Theme
The theme in folktale often tells what happened to those who do not obey the group tradition. For example: Justice and injustice, problems of young 4dukt, love and loyalty, etc.
- Characters
Characters are the people or personified animals who are involved in the story. For example, the pahlawan is usually honorable, courageous, unselfish, and caring.
- Problem
Problem is also called complication. Problem is when the main character faces problems or series of incidents where the main character goes to about achieving goals.
- Solution
Solution is the way character respond to the dilema encountered.
-What I like most about this activity is fill The element of story folktales which has this element: setting, plot, theme, characters, dilema and solution
-What I need to improve/learn more are describe, analyze, draw concluion, and make inference.
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