Soal Dan Kunci Tanggapan Ulangan Mid Semester Bahasa Inggris Sd (Sekolah Dasar) Kelas Iii (3) Terbaru
Soal dan Kunci Jawaban Ulangan Mid Semester Bahasa Inggris SD (Sekolah Dasar) Kelas III (3) Terbaru - Sekolah Dasar (SD) yakni masa di mana kalian sangat bahagia bermain-main. Saking senangnya main-main berguru sering kali dilupakan. Sebagai salah satu upaya aku dalam membantu kalan dalam berguru yakni dengan memperlihatkan Soal dan Kunci Jawaban Ulangan Mid Semester Bahasa Inggris SD (Sekolah Dasar) Kelas III (3) Terbaru. Ulangan mid semester yakni ulangan yang mempunyai bobot yang tidak mengecewakan besar. Makara kalian harus sungguh-sungguh belajar. Berikut Soal dan Kunci Jawaban Ulangan Mid Semester Bahasa Inggris SD (Sekolah Dasar) Kelas III (3) Terbaru.
I. Berilah tanda silang (X) pada huruf a, b atau c yang merupakan tanggapan yang paling benar pada lembar jawab yang disediakan !
1. Rina : Hi, ....?
Rani : I’m fine thank you.
a. how old are you b. how are you c. where are you d. What are you
2. Jerry : What is your .... ?
Yan : My name is yan.
a. house b. name c. old d. room
3. She ... my teacher.
a. is b. are c. am d. the
4. Dani : Good morning, sarah !
Sarah : .... , Doni !
a. Good afternoon b. Good evening c. Good morning d. Good night
5. It is 6 a.m. we say ....
a. Good night b. Good afternoon c. Good morning d. Good evening
6. Mr. Jack : Good bye, class!
Students : ...., sir !
a. Good bye b. Good morning c. Good night d. Goog afternoon
7. I ... Lala.
a. is b. am c. are d. the
8. He ... my father.
a. is b. am c. are d. iam
9. They ... Jhoni and andrew.
a. is b. am c. are d. in
10.Shinta : ... are you?
Jojo : I’m Jojo.
a. what b. who c. Where d. which
11. Jie – ow – ow – die = ...
a. bad b. book c. good d. bad
12. Diana : Where do you live?
Yuli : I ... in Sukabumi.
a. name b. school c. live d. work
13. Selamat siang in English is ....
a. Good morning b. Good afternoon c. Good night d. Good evening
14. Good morning means ....
a. Selamat pagi b. Selamat tidur c. Selamat siang d. Selamat sore
15. I go to school in the ....
a. night b. morning c. evening d. afternoon
16. ... are Mr.Black.
a. You b. The c. We d. where
17. ... Roni and I.
a. Iam b. We c. Where d. which
18. ... am Dimas.
a. I b. Where c. You d. are
19. ... are student.
a. We b. The c. You d. they
20. ... are teachers
a. The b. We c. Where d. you
21. Mata, hidung, dan telinga, in English is .........
a. eyes, nose, lip c. ears, eyes, cheek
b. nose, lip, ears d. eyes, nose, ears
22. I have two ......... (mata)
a. stomach b. eyes c. cheek d. nose
23. This ....... chest
a. are b. am c. is d. your
24. Those ........ ears
a. are b. am c. is d. your
25. I can smell with my ....... (hidung)
a. nose b. eyes c. ears d. lip
26. My Phone number is 69781.
a. six nine five eight one c. six nine seven eight one
b. six three seven one two d. six seven two eight one
27. Bantal dan guling. In English is ..........
a. bolster and blanket c. pillow and blanket
b. pillow and bolster d. bed and shelf
28. My book on the ..... (meja)
a. wardrobe b. blackboard c. shelf d. Table
29. I put my clothes is ......... (lemari)
a. have b. him c. her d. has
30. she ....... two blanket
a. have b. him c. her d. Has
31. “Selamat Pagi” in English is .........
a. good night b. good evening c. good afternoon d. good morning
32. Guru in English is ........
a. students b. headmaster c. teacher d. security
33. Ruang kelas in English is .........
a. classroom b. library c. canteen d. Office
34. Seragam sekolah in English is .........
a. clothes b. uniform c. T-Shirt d. Trousers
35. Perpustakaan in English is ...........
a. office b. library c. classroom d. canteen
36. A – H – E – D = ...............
a. eyes, nose, lip c. ears, eyes, cheek
b. nose, lip, ears d. eyes, nose, ears
22. I have two ......... (mata)
a. stomach b. eyes c. cheek d. nose
23. This ....... chest
a. are b. am c. is d. your
24. Those ........ ears
a. are b. am c. is d. your
25. I can smell with my ....... (hidung)
a. nose b. eyes c. ears d. lip
26. My Phone number is 69781.
a. six nine five eight one c. six nine seven eight one
b. six three seven one two d. six seven two eight one
27. Bantal dan guling. In English is ..........
a. bolster and blanket c. pillow and blanket
b. pillow and bolster d. bed and shelf
28. My book on the ..... (meja)
a. wardrobe b. blackboard c. shelf d. Table
29. I put my clothes is ......... (lemari)
a. have b. him c. her d. has
30. she ....... two blanket
a. have b. him c. her d. Has
31. “Selamat Pagi” in English is .........
a. good night b. good evening c. good afternoon d. good morning
32. Guru in English is ........
a. students b. headmaster c. teacher d. security
33. Ruang kelas in English is .........
a. classroom b. library c. canteen d. Office
34. Seragam sekolah in English is .........
a. clothes b. uniform c. T-Shirt d. Trousers
35. Perpustakaan in English is ...........
a. office b. library c. classroom d. canteen
36. A – H – E – D = ...............
37. How many hands do you have .................. (dua)
a. One b. Two c. Three d. Four
38. Six, seven, .............., nine, teen.
a. Three b. Eight c. One d. Two
39. Monday, Tuesday, ............, Thursday, Friday
a. Saturday b. Sunday c. Wednesday d. Holiday
40. My ............ is clean (Tangan)
a. Hand b. Leg c. Head d. Mouth
1. b 6. a 11. c 16. a
2. b 7. b 12. c 17. b
3. a 8. a 13. b 18. a
4. c 9. c 14. a 19. c
5. c 10. b 15. b 20. b
Semoga dengan adanya Soal dan Kunci Jawaban Ulangan Mid Semester Bahasa Inggris SD (Sekolah Dasar) Kelas III (3) Terbaru ini kalian akan semakin termotivasi untuk berguru dan meraih nilai yang memuaskan. Amin. Sehingga orang bau tanah kalian menjadi besar hati dengan apa yang telah kalian raih. Terimakasih telah membaca Soal dan Kunci Jawaban Ulangan Mid Semester Bahasa Inggris SD (Sekolah Dasar) Kelas III (3) Terbaru.
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