Duties , Responsibilities And Authority Cooperative
According to the Indonesian Cooperatives Mr. Bung Hatta , seven cooperative task . This he conveyed in a speech on the radio Hatta ( July 11, 1947 ) in commemoration of the first cooperative , July 12, 1947 . The seven cooperative tasks , among others :
1 . Increase the production , especially the production of food , crafts , and woodworking necessary people in the household .
2 . Improving the quality of goods produced by people .
3 . Improve the distribution , the distribution of goods to the people .
4 . Fixing prices for the public benefit .
5 . Getting rid of the exploitation of moneylenders , the annihilation of bonded labor system , and moneylenders .
6 . Strengthen capital formation by activating activity store .
7 . Maintaining rice granary deposits , pushing each village revive village barn , updated as appropriate to the periode . Granary system is a tool to adjust production and consumption of all time and also provide a guard of rice pricing .
After looking at seven cooperative task given our founding fathers , agricultural cooperatives and marketing seem more answering the seven tasks . Unfortunately , two cooperative is not growing in the country .
The device consists of a cooperative organization :
• Meeting of Members
• Board
• Supervisors
• Managers
Here are the duties, powers and responsibilities of the cooperative organization :
1 . Supreme power .
2 . Establishing Statutes ( AD ) , Bylaws ( ART ) and special rules .
3 . Establish common wisdom in the field of organization , management , and cooperative efforts .
4 . Choose , appoint , and dismiss officers and supervisors
5 . Establish work plan , budget revenue and expenditure plan cooperative .
6 . Committee endorsed the report .
7 . Validate watchdog report .
8 . Determine the distribution of SHU .
9 . The decision is based on deliberation and consensus .
10 . One member one vote .
11 . Request information and accountability of the management board and the supervisory cooperative .
12 . Done at least once a year .
1 . Elected from and by the members in the meeting of members .
2 . Responsible to the meeting of members .
3 . Longest tenure of 5 years ( the requirement for re- regulated in AD and ART ) .
4 . Not concurrently as a supervisor .
5 . Board , both together, or individually bear the losses suffered by the cooperative , due to deliberate action or negligence .
Task Management :
1 . Manage the organization and cooperative effort .
2 . Submit a draft work plan and draft plan of income and expenditure budget cooperatives .
3 . Organized a meeting of members .
4 . Implement the work plan has been set the meeting members .
5 . Submit financial reports and accountability of the task .
6 . Financial bookkeeping and inventory in an orderly manner .
7 . Record every transaction member .
8 . Maintain a list of books and board members .
9 . Increasing knowledge of members by organizing education for members .
Authority to the Board :
1 . Representing cooperatives in and out of court .
2 . The acceptance and rejection of new members as well as the dismissal of a member in accordance with the provisions of the AD and ART .
3 . Perform the actions and efforts for the benefit and the benefit of the cooperative in accordance with its responsibilities and decision meetings of members
4 . Appoint and dismiss managing the business .
5 . Plan with the approval of the nomination meeting of members .
1 . Elected from and by the members in the meeting of members .
2 . Responsible to the meeting of members .
3 . Keeping the results of the third-party oversight .
4 . Not double as a business eksekutif or executor .
5 . Requirements for elected and appointed supervisors specified in the articles of association .
Duties of Trustees :
1 . Monitoring the implementation and management of the cooperative .
2 . Report the results in writing to supervisory meeting of members .
Supervisory authority :
1 . Examining the records that exist in the cooperative .
2 . Get all the necessary information .
1 . Cooperative management can appoint a manager who is authorized to manage the cooperative effort .
2 . Plans submitted to the appointment of managers meeting of members for approval .
3 . The manager is responsible to the board .
4 . The working relationship with the board by the engagement manager .
5 . Actually , the manager pays himself by his ability to manage the business .
6 . Managers bear the loss of business due to negligence and deliberate cooperative .
Task Manager :
1 . Implement cooperative effort .
2 . Submit a draft plan of income and expenditure to the management of cooperatives .
3 . Providing business services to members .
4 . Creating a cooperative feasibility study .
5 . Create reports of cooperative business development .
Privileges business :
1 . Appoint and dismiss employees for board approval .
2 . Improving employee performance .
The articles of association is a whole set of rules that are langsungkehidupan cooperative and cooperative relations between the members , for the orderly implementation of the organization . The articles of association of cooperatives regarded as a cooperative internal rules obeyed by all the co-operative organization and all members of the cooperative .
The articles of association of cooperatives is a source of disciplinary rules for the smooth conduct of the cooperative organization with its business activities . Degan other words , the budget is a cooperative basis as a formal basis for the approval or agreement of the members to work together , which is the foundation of every cooperative . While the Bylaws is a rules governing discipline and governance of cooperative activities .
In practice usually , the articles of association and the cooperative 's bylaws contain provisions - such basic provisions , among others : Name cooperative , goals and objectives, business activities , requirements - a condition of membership , rights and obligations and responsibilities of members , administrators and supervisors cooperatives , meeting of members and members' meeting and the decision of the division SHU .
Preparation Purpose Cooperative Statutes :
1 . Showed the presence of co-operative governance on a regular basis life and clear , which is a form of cooperative agreement of the members , and a clear legal position , because its existence stipulated in Law no. 25 knowledge 1992.
2 . Being as the organization's rules and cooperative managers in the implementation of activities of the organization , management , operations and finance in accordance with the economic interests of its members .
3 . Realizing order in the conduct of the organization , management , business and finance , both by members, administrators , supervisors and managers of cooperatives .
4 . The basis for the drafting of regulations and other The provisions required in the implementation of cooperative activities .
Scope and Content of the Articles of Association of Cooperatives
1 . Principal provisions contained in the Articles of Association include :
a) The structure of the organization .
b ) business activities .
c ) Capital and finance .
d ) Management .
2 . Organizational arrangements referred to in letter a is about :
• The name and domicile .
• The aims and objectives .
• The foundation and principles .
• Membership .
• The device organization .
• meetings , including meetings of members .
• establishment period .
• List the name of the founder .
• Sanctions .
3 . Setting business activities referred to in letter b , is about :
• The operations are executed Cooperative .
• Cooperative Income , Time Results of Operations ( SHU ) and distribution .
• Dependant .
• The fiscal year of the Cooperative .
4 . Capital and financial arrangements as referred to point c , is about :
• Capital itself .
• Capital loan .
• Capital investments .
5 . Management arrangements as referred to paragraph d , is about :
• The authority , rights , duties , obligations and responsibilities .
• The organization and cooperative managers .
• The working relationship between the organization and between the organization and business Cooperative Enterprises .
• Financial statements and balance sheets .
The things that must be considered in the preparation of AD / ART Cooperative :
1 . Content or material that is poured in the AD / ART should be consistent with the objectives and interests of the member economies .
2 . Each of the provisions set forth in the AD / ART should be understood and implemented by its members , officers and supervisors and managers of cooperatives .
3 . Those attending the meeting of the cooperative formation formulate , agree and approve content or material set forth in the articles of association of cooperatives and subsequently ratified by the formation of a cooperative meeting or meetings endorsement changes the AD / ART cooperative . If deemed necessary, the establishment of cooperatives at the same meeting to draw up agreed and approved the contents of ART .
4 . Budgetary basis can be authorized to some founders are appointed and confirmed by the Cooperative Formation Meeting . Furthermore, the concerned authorized to sign the Articles of Association , care of the letter , endorsed Deed until approved by the cooperative as a legal entity .
The substance of the Articles of Association of Cooperative antaralain :
1 . List the name of the founder .
2 . The name and domicile .
3 . The cornerstone and foundation .
4 . Purpose, objectives and business fields .
5 . Provisions on membership ( terms , rights and obligations ) .
6 . Provisions regarding the meeting of members .
7 . Provisions on board ( the terms , rights and obligations ) .
8 . Provisions regarding supervisors .
9 . Provisions regarding the manager .
10 . Provisions on capital .
11 . The provisions regarding the period of the founding of the Cooperative .
12 . Provisions on Business Profits .
13 . Provisions regarding sanctions .
14 . The provisions regarding the division , merger, dissolution and liquidation .
15 . The provisions concerning the amendment .
16 . Provisions regarding the Bylaws and special rules .
Cooperative Period Old Order
From the time of independence , cooperatives in Indonesia has a better development because of the support of the government , especially Drs . Moh . Hatta as vice president at the time. In addition, the law also stipulated that regulates cooperatives , namely Article 33 Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 paragraph 1 which states that the economy is structured as a joint venture based on the principle of kinship . In the wake explanation mentioned that the economy is in accordance with the principle of kinship is cooperative .
With the positive support of the Indonesian government of the day, then at the end of 1946, the Bureau of Cooperatives held a cooperative registration and there were 2500 pieces of cooperatives throughout Indonesia . This is a very good beginning for the development of cooperatives in Indonesia . And also the growth of the cooperative can help repair the Indonesian economy which was not strong because of new foreign nations regardless of occupation .
On July 12, 1947 the first cooperative congress held in Tasikmalaya , West Java . The congress resulted in the decision , among others, the establishment of the Central Organization of Indonesian People's Cooperative ( SOKRI ) ; made on July 12 as the Day of Cooperatives , and advocated the holding of cooperative education among administrators , employees and society in general . After the congress was held , the growth of cooperatives in Indonesia is increasing rapidly .
After the formation of the Republic of Indonesia in 1950 government aktivitas more real desire to develop cooperative . This is proven by the turn of the cabinets in order to support the cooperative policy always growing. Thus in line with the Government policy , cooperative growing from year to year both organizations and their business .
Then on May 15 to July 17, 1953 Indonesia held the cooperative congress in Bandung II . This second Congress , among others, resulted in the decision to change the Central Organization of Indonesian People's Cooperative ( SOKRI ) into Indonesia Cooperative Council ( DKI ) . Besides requiring the city to form the Institute of Education and the Cooperative Middle School Cooperative set up in provinces throughout Indonesia . Another decision is the delivery of advice to the Government that the immediate issuance of the Cooperative Act , and appoint a new one as the Father of Cooperative Hatta Indonesia .
On May 1 to September 5 1956 , the Cooperative Congress held in Jakarta to III . Side congressional decisions on matters relating to the life of cooperatives in Indonesia , also Indonesia Cooperative Council regarding relations with the International Cooperative Alliance ( ICA ) .
Following the issuance of the Presidential Decree in 1959 , have an impact on the Act No. . 79 of 1958 on the Cooperative Society . The law is losing ground and no longer compatible with the soul and spirit of the 1945 Constitution . So that the issuance of Government Regulation . 60 of 1959 on the Development of the Cooperative Movement . Regulations that brings the concept of cooperative development uniformly , and issued based on the following considerations :
a. Customizing cooperative function with the soul and spirit of the 1945 Constitution and the Political Representatives on August 17, 1959 , which was given the role of co-operatives so that activities and its implementation can actually be a means of implementing guided by socialist -style economy of Indonesia, Indonesian joint economic life of the nation and the basis for regulate people's economy in order to achieve a decent standard of living in the arrangement is fair and prosperous society that is democratic .
b . That the government must take an active stance in fostering cooperative movement based on the principles of guided democracy , ie foster , encourage , guide , protect and oversee the development of the cooperative movement , and
c . That by submitting to the cooperative organization of the Cooperative Movement own initiative in its early stages now not only tidakk achieve the goal to stem the flow of capitalism and liberalism , but also does not guarantee organizational form and healthy way to work in accordance with the principles of real cooperative ( Sularso 1988) .
Cooperative New Order Period
The spirit of the New Order that began March 11, 1966 the starting point as soon as it was on December 18, 1967 was born Cooperative Act known as the new Law . 12/1967 on the Principles of Cooperation . Preamble Law. 12/1967 are as follows :
1 . That Law No. . 14 of 1965 on Cooperatives contain thoughts that obviously want to :
a. Putting the function and role of cooperatives as a direct servant rather than political . So ignore cooperatives as the economic struggle of the people container .
b . Distort the foundations , basic principles of cooperative purity.
2 . Therefore it is necessary to set up a new Act in accordance with the spirit and soul of the New Order as set forth in the Provisions and the fourth Session of the Assembly Special Session to allow for cooperative gain legal standing and the proper place as an umbrella organization of economic struggle of the people with character as a tool of social and national economic democratization . That cooperative together with the State and the private sector of the economy engaged in all activities and economic life of the nation in order to enable him to efforts to realize Socialism Indonesian society based on Pancasila fair and prosperous in ridhoi God Almighty .
3 . That relate to that, then Law No. . 14 1965 need to be removed and should reflect the soul , as well as the ideals contained within clearly stated , that the Indonesian economy is structured as a joint venture based on the principle of kinship and cooperative is a business building in accordance with the composition of the economy in question . Based on that provision , and to achieve that goal the government has a duty to guide and foster cooperative Indonesia with attitude " sung Tulada ngarsa ing , ing middle Mbangun intention, tut wuri handayani " .
However, the development of cooperatives in those days still have weaknesses , especially on the part of management and human resources in the organization since the cooperative was formed small cooperatives located in rural yamg . Therefore , to overcome the weaknesses of the organization, since 1972 , developed a small cooperatives merging into larger cooperatives . In rural areas are divided into regions Village Unit ( WILUD ) and cooperatives that exist in the area of the village units combined into larger organizations and enterprises called Village Unit ( BUUD ) . At the end of the village cooperatives that join it dissolved , then BUUD transformed into KUD ( Koperasi Unit Desa ) . Because economically be big and strong , then BUUD / KUD was able to afford competent personnel such as managers , clerks books , machine interpreter , the interpreter stores and others. Also BUUD / KUD was believed to borrow money from the bank and buy goods more modern production , in accordance with the demands of the development of civilization ( rice mill machinery , tractors , water pumps , spraying machines and other pests ) . The provisions governing Region Village Unit , BUUD / KUD outlined in Presidential Instruction No.4/1973 , hereinafter Presidential Instruction No.2/1978 be updated and then refined into a Presidential Instruction No.4/1984 .
Governments in encouraging cooperative Order periode Bru has issued a number of policies concerning both within institutional development in the field , in the field of business , in the field of finance and credit guarantee cooperatives and wisdom in order to research and development of cooperatives .
In line with national development priorities , in Pelita V is still concentrated in the agricultural sector , the cooperative development priorities to prioritize follow that pattern formation 2,000 to 4,000 KUD Self - coaching coaching without ignoring the other types of cooperatives . The purpose of pembinaan and development is to realize the Self KUD cooperatives that have rational cooperative management capabilities and effective in developing economic activities of its members based on the needs and decisions of the members of the cooperatives . With the ability of cooperatives is expected to carry out its primary function is to serve its members , such as service credit , goods distribution and marketing of products.
Cooperative Reform Period
Reformation periode marked by the cessation of the New Order government and the monetary crisis in 1997 . This monetary crisis period resulted in the destruction of the economic system , especially in Indonesia . So that the cooperative has greater role in the future . However, it should also be held for cooperative development , because this is the source of people's small economy . Development of cooperatives at this time directed to :
1 . Recovery of food production and distribution .
2 . Enlarge access to credit .
3 . Institutional arrangement .
4 . Redistribution of assets .
5 . Building a resource -based industries .
6 . Science and technology -based economy .
7 . Operations of the building was made programs to empower cooperatives and SMEs .
In 1999 there was a mendasar change in the cooperative development of changes in the Cooperative Department Minister for Cooperatives and PKM . These changes are intended to reduce the role of government in cooperative development which is considered too dominant in the new order . The task of the Minister of State in the development of the cooperative is to be a regulator , facilitator , stabilizers , and dynamic factor .
In the course of approximately two years of development of Cooperatives and SMEs entered the transition period , fostering the cooperative considered inadequate to achieve the vision and mission of the Ministry of Cooperatives . Then in 2001 , the government established the Cooperative Resources Agency and the Small and Medium Enterprises ( BPS - KPKM ) . The function of this agency is to empower SMEs in particular business development , human resource development and community participation and development investment capital and business development .
But in this period of the year , not as good as the cooperative development of previous years . The causes include :
( 1 ) Due to the policy of regional autonomy , there is revamping the organizational structure builder at provincial and district levels . In certain provinces the Regional Office of the Department of cooperatives and cooperative be in other provinces there are bundled with several Department .
( 2 ) Development of cooperatives focus more on SMEs , because SMEs development is considered as a safety valve in times of crisis .
( 3 ) The image is less cooperative either , because in the 1997-1999 period as a tool cooperative political party and one of the co-operative credit arrears experienced sizable KUT .
In the period 2001-2003 , coaching the cooperative are in the position of non-governmental Non-Departmental ( Presidential Decree No. 103 of 2001 ) , namely the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs . Cooperative development in this period is a continuation of national development without BPS - KPKM . At this time the principal programs addressed in order to implement the five national development , one of which related to the economic development that is " Accelerating and Strengthening Economic Recovery and Sustainable Development Platform based System for Economic Democracy Fair " . PROPENAS strategic approach aimed at prioritizing policy measures and programs that emphasize the importance of institutional strengthening .
Cooperative development in this period was also less dynamic . Because on the one hand, the focus of development in this period will go to the development of SMEs and provide reinforcement to the Cooperative Savings and Loan savings and loans and unit area of SME centers , the plan to revamp the Cooperative Law No. 25 Year 1995 . On the other hand , since the synergy between the empowerment of cooperatives and SMEs in the construction of the center , Small and Medium Enterprises to become the savior of the economic crisis , play a role in stimulating economic growth and employment.
The word cooperative is not foreign to hear everyone was aware of what was cooperative here we will discuss what the cooperative principles , forms and how cooperative work . Cooperative is a business entity consisting of individuals or legal entities with the bases cooperative activities based on the principle of cooperative economics as well as the movement of people is based on the principle of the family .
Cooperative principle
The entire Cooperative in Indonesia are required to apply and implement the cooperative principles , as follows :
§ is voluntary and open membership ;
§ management democratically ;
§ distribution of net income made fairly comparable to the size of the business services of each member ;
§ provision of fringe benefits are limited to capital ;
§ independence ;
§ cooperative education ;
§ cooperation among cooperatives .
Shape and Position
1 . Cooperative consists of two forms , namely Cooperative Cooperative Primary and Secondary .
2 . Primary Cooperative is a cooperative made up of people , which is formed by at least 20 ( twenty ) people .
3 . Secondary Cooperative is a cooperative whose members Agencies Legal Cooperative , which was formed by at least three (3 ) Cooperative which has been incorporated .
4 . Cooperative formation ( primary and secondary ) done by deed of establishment containing Statutes .
5 . Cooperative has a residence in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.
6 . Cooperative obtain legal status after the deed of establishment approved by the government .
7 . In Indonesia there are only two (2 ) business entity that is recognized position as a legal entity , namely Cooperatives and Limited Liability Company ( PT ) . Therefore, the position / status as a Cooperative same as a Limited Liability Company .
Preparation Establishing Cooperative
1 . Members of the public who will establish cooperative must understand the intent and purpose of cooperatives and business activities to be carried out by the cooperative to increase revenues and benefits as possible for members . Basically cooperative was formed and established by the similarity of economic interests .
2 . In order for the people who will set up the cooperative gain understanding , goals, objectives , organizational structure , management , principles of cooperatives , cooperative development and prospects , then they can ask for counseling and education and pembinaan from the Office of the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium- local .
Cooperative Formation Meeting
1 . The process begins with the establishment of a cooperative organization of Establishment Cooperative Meeting by members of the public who become founders . At that time they had to prepare a basic budget , determine the type of cooperative and its membership in accordance with the cooperative business activities that will establish, plan operations , and the balance of the initial cooperative . Basis for determining the type of cooperative is the similarity of activities, interests and economic needs of its members . For example , Credit Unions ( KSP ) , Cooperative Consumers , Producers Cooperative , Cooperative Marketing and Cooperative Services .
2 . Implementation of the founding meeting , which was attended by the founders embodied in the Establishment and Meeting Minutes Deed containing Cooperative Statutes .
3 . Where appropriate , and at the request of the founders , the official Department of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises in the domicile of the founders can be asked to attend to help the smooth running of the meeting and gave necessary instructions .
Legal Entity Endorsement
1 . The founders of the cooperative approve the deed of establishment apply in writing to the Officer , enclosing :
§ 2 ( two ) copies of the deed of establishment of cooperatives of which sufficiently sealed (enclosed Cooperative Statutes ) .
§ Minutes of the Meeting of the Establishment .
§ Letter of proof of deposit of capital .
§ The initial plan business activities .
2 . Request validation Deed to officials , depending on the shape and extent of cooperative established cooperative membership area concerned , with the following conditions :
§ Head Office of the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium district / municipality authorize the deed of establishment of cooperatives whose members live in the district / municipality .
§ Head Office of the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Province / DI endorsed deed of incorporation of primary and secondary cooperatives whose members are domiciled in the Province / DI question and Primary Cooperative whose members reside in some provincial / DI , but the cooperative work domiciled in the Regional Office concerned .
§ Secretary General of the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises ( Center ) endorsed the establishment deed Secondary Cooperative whose members reside in several provinces / DI .
3 . In terms of the deed of incorporation attestation request is rejected , the reasons for refusal notified by officials to the founders in writing no later than three (3 ) months after receipt of the request .
4 . Refusal to approve the deed of establishment of the founders can re- submit the request within a period of 1 ( one ) month from the receipt of the rejection .
5 . Decisions on repeated requests given in a maximum period of 1 ( one ) month after the submission of repeated requests .
6 . Ratification of the deed of establishment provided within a period of 3 ( three ) months after receipt of the request validation .
7 . Legalization of incorporation documents published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia .
Sumber http://agungagmi.blogspot.com
1 . Increase the production , especially the production of food , crafts , and woodworking necessary people in the household .
3 . Improve the distribution , the distribution of goods to the people .
Baca Juga
5 . Getting rid of the exploitation of moneylenders , the annihilation of bonded labor system , and moneylenders .
6 . Strengthen capital formation by activating activity store .
7 . Maintaining rice granary deposits , pushing each village revive village barn , updated as appropriate to the periode . Granary system is a tool to adjust production and consumption of all time and also provide a guard of rice pricing .
After looking at seven cooperative task given our founding fathers , agricultural cooperatives and marketing seem more answering the seven tasks . Unfortunately , two cooperative is not growing in the country .
• Meeting of Members
• Board
• Supervisors
• Managers
Here are the duties, powers and responsibilities of the cooperative organization :
1 . Supreme power .
2 . Establishing Statutes ( AD ) , Bylaws ( ART ) and special rules .
3 . Establish common wisdom in the field of organization , management , and cooperative efforts .
4 . Choose , appoint , and dismiss officers and supervisors
5 . Establish work plan , budget revenue and expenditure plan cooperative .
6 . Committee endorsed the report .
7 . Validate watchdog report .
8 . Determine the distribution of SHU .
9 . The decision is based on deliberation and consensus .
10 . One member one vote .
11 . Request information and accountability of the management board and the supervisory cooperative .
12 . Done at least once a year .
1 . Elected from and by the members in the meeting of members .
2 . Responsible to the meeting of members .
3 . Longest tenure of 5 years ( the requirement for re- regulated in AD and ART ) .
4 . Not concurrently as a supervisor .
5 . Board , both together, or individually bear the losses suffered by the cooperative , due to deliberate action or negligence .
Task Management :
1 . Manage the organization and cooperative effort .
2 . Submit a draft work plan and draft plan of income and expenditure budget cooperatives .
3 . Organized a meeting of members .
4 . Implement the work plan has been set the meeting members .
5 . Submit financial reports and accountability of the task .
6 . Financial bookkeeping and inventory in an orderly manner .
7 . Record every transaction member .
8 . Maintain a list of books and board members .
9 . Increasing knowledge of members by organizing education for members .
Authority to the Board :
1 . Representing cooperatives in and out of court .
2 . The acceptance and rejection of new members as well as the dismissal of a member in accordance with the provisions of the AD and ART .
3 . Perform the actions and efforts for the benefit and the benefit of the cooperative in accordance with its responsibilities and decision meetings of members
4 . Appoint and dismiss managing the business .
5 . Plan with the approval of the nomination meeting of members .
1 . Elected from and by the members in the meeting of members .
2 . Responsible to the meeting of members .
3 . Keeping the results of the third-party oversight .
4 . Not double as a business eksekutif or executor .
5 . Requirements for elected and appointed supervisors specified in the articles of association .
Duties of Trustees :
1 . Monitoring the implementation and management of the cooperative .
2 . Report the results in writing to supervisory meeting of members .
Supervisory authority :
1 . Examining the records that exist in the cooperative .
2 . Get all the necessary information .
1 . Cooperative management can appoint a manager who is authorized to manage the cooperative effort .
2 . Plans submitted to the appointment of managers meeting of members for approval .
3 . The manager is responsible to the board .
4 . The working relationship with the board by the engagement manager .
5 . Actually , the manager pays himself by his ability to manage the business .
6 . Managers bear the loss of business due to negligence and deliberate cooperative .
Task Manager :
1 . Implement cooperative effort .
2 . Submit a draft plan of income and expenditure to the management of cooperatives .
3 . Providing business services to members .
4 . Creating a cooperative feasibility study .
5 . Create reports of cooperative business development .
Privileges business :
1 . Appoint and dismiss employees for board approval .
2 . Improving employee performance .
The articles of association is a whole set of rules that are langsungkehidupan cooperative and cooperative relations between the members , for the orderly implementation of the organization . The articles of association of cooperatives regarded as a cooperative internal rules obeyed by all the co-operative organization and all members of the cooperative .
The articles of association of cooperatives is a source of disciplinary rules for the smooth conduct of the cooperative organization with its business activities . Degan other words , the budget is a cooperative basis as a formal basis for the approval or agreement of the members to work together , which is the foundation of every cooperative . While the Bylaws is a rules governing discipline and governance of cooperative activities .
In practice usually , the articles of association and the cooperative 's bylaws contain provisions - such basic provisions , among others : Name cooperative , goals and objectives, business activities , requirements - a condition of membership , rights and obligations and responsibilities of members , administrators and supervisors cooperatives , meeting of members and members' meeting and the decision of the division SHU .
Preparation Purpose Cooperative Statutes :
1 . Showed the presence of co-operative governance on a regular basis life and clear , which is a form of cooperative agreement of the members , and a clear legal position , because its existence stipulated in Law no. 25 knowledge 1992.
2 . Being as the organization's rules and cooperative managers in the implementation of activities of the organization , management , operations and finance in accordance with the economic interests of its members .
3 . Realizing order in the conduct of the organization , management , business and finance , both by members, administrators , supervisors and managers of cooperatives .
4 . The basis for the drafting of regulations and other The provisions required in the implementation of cooperative activities .
Scope and Content of the Articles of Association of Cooperatives
1 . Principal provisions contained in the Articles of Association include :
a) The structure of the organization .
b ) business activities .
c ) Capital and finance .
d ) Management .
2 . Organizational arrangements referred to in letter a is about :
• The name and domicile .
• The aims and objectives .
• The foundation and principles .
• Membership .
• The device organization .
• meetings , including meetings of members .
• establishment period .
• List the name of the founder .
• Sanctions .
3 . Setting business activities referred to in letter b , is about :
• The operations are executed Cooperative .
• Cooperative Income , Time Results of Operations ( SHU ) and distribution .
• Dependant .
• The fiscal year of the Cooperative .
4 . Capital and financial arrangements as referred to point c , is about :
• Capital itself .
• Capital loan .
• Capital investments .
5 . Management arrangements as referred to paragraph d , is about :
• The authority , rights , duties , obligations and responsibilities .
• The organization and cooperative managers .
• The working relationship between the organization and between the organization and business Cooperative Enterprises .
• Financial statements and balance sheets .
The things that must be considered in the preparation of AD / ART Cooperative :
1 . Content or material that is poured in the AD / ART should be consistent with the objectives and interests of the member economies .
2 . Each of the provisions set forth in the AD / ART should be understood and implemented by its members , officers and supervisors and managers of cooperatives .
3 . Those attending the meeting of the cooperative formation formulate , agree and approve content or material set forth in the articles of association of cooperatives and subsequently ratified by the formation of a cooperative meeting or meetings endorsement changes the AD / ART cooperative . If deemed necessary, the establishment of cooperatives at the same meeting to draw up agreed and approved the contents of ART .
4 . Budgetary basis can be authorized to some founders are appointed and confirmed by the Cooperative Formation Meeting . Furthermore, the concerned authorized to sign the Articles of Association , care of the letter , endorsed Deed until approved by the cooperative as a legal entity .
The substance of the Articles of Association of Cooperative antaralain :
1 . List the name of the founder .
2 . The name and domicile .
3 . The cornerstone and foundation .
4 . Purpose, objectives and business fields .
5 . Provisions on membership ( terms , rights and obligations ) .
6 . Provisions regarding the meeting of members .
7 . Provisions on board ( the terms , rights and obligations ) .
8 . Provisions regarding supervisors .
9 . Provisions regarding the manager .
10 . Provisions on capital .
11 . The provisions regarding the period of the founding of the Cooperative .
12 . Provisions on Business Profits .
13 . Provisions regarding sanctions .
14 . The provisions regarding the division , merger, dissolution and liquidation .
15 . The provisions concerning the amendment .
16 . Provisions regarding the Bylaws and special rules .
Cooperative Period Old Order
From the time of independence , cooperatives in Indonesia has a better development because of the support of the government , especially Drs . Moh . Hatta as vice president at the time. In addition, the law also stipulated that regulates cooperatives , namely Article 33 Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 paragraph 1 which states that the economy is structured as a joint venture based on the principle of kinship . In the wake explanation mentioned that the economy is in accordance with the principle of kinship is cooperative .
With the positive support of the Indonesian government of the day, then at the end of 1946, the Bureau of Cooperatives held a cooperative registration and there were 2500 pieces of cooperatives throughout Indonesia . This is a very good beginning for the development of cooperatives in Indonesia . And also the growth of the cooperative can help repair the Indonesian economy which was not strong because of new foreign nations regardless of occupation .
On July 12, 1947 the first cooperative congress held in Tasikmalaya , West Java . The congress resulted in the decision , among others, the establishment of the Central Organization of Indonesian People's Cooperative ( SOKRI ) ; made on July 12 as the Day of Cooperatives , and advocated the holding of cooperative education among administrators , employees and society in general . After the congress was held , the growth of cooperatives in Indonesia is increasing rapidly .
After the formation of the Republic of Indonesia in 1950 government aktivitas more real desire to develop cooperative . This is proven by the turn of the cabinets in order to support the cooperative policy always growing. Thus in line with the Government policy , cooperative growing from year to year both organizations and their business .
Then on May 15 to July 17, 1953 Indonesia held the cooperative congress in Bandung II . This second Congress , among others, resulted in the decision to change the Central Organization of Indonesian People's Cooperative ( SOKRI ) into Indonesia Cooperative Council ( DKI ) . Besides requiring the city to form the Institute of Education and the Cooperative Middle School Cooperative set up in provinces throughout Indonesia . Another decision is the delivery of advice to the Government that the immediate issuance of the Cooperative Act , and appoint a new one as the Father of Cooperative Hatta Indonesia .
On May 1 to September 5 1956 , the Cooperative Congress held in Jakarta to III . Side congressional decisions on matters relating to the life of cooperatives in Indonesia , also Indonesia Cooperative Council regarding relations with the International Cooperative Alliance ( ICA ) .
Following the issuance of the Presidential Decree in 1959 , have an impact on the Act No. . 79 of 1958 on the Cooperative Society . The law is losing ground and no longer compatible with the soul and spirit of the 1945 Constitution . So that the issuance of Government Regulation . 60 of 1959 on the Development of the Cooperative Movement . Regulations that brings the concept of cooperative development uniformly , and issued based on the following considerations :
a. Customizing cooperative function with the soul and spirit of the 1945 Constitution and the Political Representatives on August 17, 1959 , which was given the role of co-operatives so that activities and its implementation can actually be a means of implementing guided by socialist -style economy of Indonesia, Indonesian joint economic life of the nation and the basis for regulate people's economy in order to achieve a decent standard of living in the arrangement is fair and prosperous society that is democratic .
b . That the government must take an active stance in fostering cooperative movement based on the principles of guided democracy , ie foster , encourage , guide , protect and oversee the development of the cooperative movement , and
c . That by submitting to the cooperative organization of the Cooperative Movement own initiative in its early stages now not only tidakk achieve the goal to stem the flow of capitalism and liberalism , but also does not guarantee organizational form and healthy way to work in accordance with the principles of real cooperative ( Sularso 1988) .
Cooperative New Order Period
The spirit of the New Order that began March 11, 1966 the starting point as soon as it was on December 18, 1967 was born Cooperative Act known as the new Law . 12/1967 on the Principles of Cooperation . Preamble Law. 12/1967 are as follows :
1 . That Law No. . 14 of 1965 on Cooperatives contain thoughts that obviously want to :
a. Putting the function and role of cooperatives as a direct servant rather than political . So ignore cooperatives as the economic struggle of the people container .
b . Distort the foundations , basic principles of cooperative purity.
2 . Therefore it is necessary to set up a new Act in accordance with the spirit and soul of the New Order as set forth in the Provisions and the fourth Session of the Assembly Special Session to allow for cooperative gain legal standing and the proper place as an umbrella organization of economic struggle of the people with character as a tool of social and national economic democratization . That cooperative together with the State and the private sector of the economy engaged in all activities and economic life of the nation in order to enable him to efforts to realize Socialism Indonesian society based on Pancasila fair and prosperous in ridhoi God Almighty .
3 . That relate to that, then Law No. . 14 1965 need to be removed and should reflect the soul , as well as the ideals contained within clearly stated , that the Indonesian economy is structured as a joint venture based on the principle of kinship and cooperative is a business building in accordance with the composition of the economy in question . Based on that provision , and to achieve that goal the government has a duty to guide and foster cooperative Indonesia with attitude " sung Tulada ngarsa ing , ing middle Mbangun intention, tut wuri handayani " .
However, the development of cooperatives in those days still have weaknesses , especially on the part of management and human resources in the organization since the cooperative was formed small cooperatives located in rural yamg . Therefore , to overcome the weaknesses of the organization, since 1972 , developed a small cooperatives merging into larger cooperatives . In rural areas are divided into regions Village Unit ( WILUD ) and cooperatives that exist in the area of the village units combined into larger organizations and enterprises called Village Unit ( BUUD ) . At the end of the village cooperatives that join it dissolved , then BUUD transformed into KUD ( Koperasi Unit Desa ) . Because economically be big and strong , then BUUD / KUD was able to afford competent personnel such as managers , clerks books , machine interpreter , the interpreter stores and others. Also BUUD / KUD was believed to borrow money from the bank and buy goods more modern production , in accordance with the demands of the development of civilization ( rice mill machinery , tractors , water pumps , spraying machines and other pests ) . The provisions governing Region Village Unit , BUUD / KUD outlined in Presidential Instruction No.4/1973 , hereinafter Presidential Instruction No.2/1978 be updated and then refined into a Presidential Instruction No.4/1984 .
Governments in encouraging cooperative Order periode Bru has issued a number of policies concerning both within institutional development in the field , in the field of business , in the field of finance and credit guarantee cooperatives and wisdom in order to research and development of cooperatives .
In line with national development priorities , in Pelita V is still concentrated in the agricultural sector , the cooperative development priorities to prioritize follow that pattern formation 2,000 to 4,000 KUD Self - coaching coaching without ignoring the other types of cooperatives . The purpose of pembinaan and development is to realize the Self KUD cooperatives that have rational cooperative management capabilities and effective in developing economic activities of its members based on the needs and decisions of the members of the cooperatives . With the ability of cooperatives is expected to carry out its primary function is to serve its members , such as service credit , goods distribution and marketing of products.
Cooperative Reform Period
Reformation periode marked by the cessation of the New Order government and the monetary crisis in 1997 . This monetary crisis period resulted in the destruction of the economic system , especially in Indonesia . So that the cooperative has greater role in the future . However, it should also be held for cooperative development , because this is the source of people's small economy . Development of cooperatives at this time directed to :
1 . Recovery of food production and distribution .
2 . Enlarge access to credit .
3 . Institutional arrangement .
4 . Redistribution of assets .
5 . Building a resource -based industries .
6 . Science and technology -based economy .
7 . Operations of the building was made programs to empower cooperatives and SMEs .
In 1999 there was a mendasar change in the cooperative development of changes in the Cooperative Department Minister for Cooperatives and PKM . These changes are intended to reduce the role of government in cooperative development which is considered too dominant in the new order . The task of the Minister of State in the development of the cooperative is to be a regulator , facilitator , stabilizers , and dynamic factor .
In the course of approximately two years of development of Cooperatives and SMEs entered the transition period , fostering the cooperative considered inadequate to achieve the vision and mission of the Ministry of Cooperatives . Then in 2001 , the government established the Cooperative Resources Agency and the Small and Medium Enterprises ( BPS - KPKM ) . The function of this agency is to empower SMEs in particular business development , human resource development and community participation and development investment capital and business development .
But in this period of the year , not as good as the cooperative development of previous years . The causes include :
( 1 ) Due to the policy of regional autonomy , there is revamping the organizational structure builder at provincial and district levels . In certain provinces the Regional Office of the Department of cooperatives and cooperative be in other provinces there are bundled with several Department .
( 2 ) Development of cooperatives focus more on SMEs , because SMEs development is considered as a safety valve in times of crisis .
( 3 ) The image is less cooperative either , because in the 1997-1999 period as a tool cooperative political party and one of the co-operative credit arrears experienced sizable KUT .
In the period 2001-2003 , coaching the cooperative are in the position of non-governmental Non-Departmental ( Presidential Decree No. 103 of 2001 ) , namely the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs . Cooperative development in this period is a continuation of national development without BPS - KPKM . At this time the principal programs addressed in order to implement the five national development , one of which related to the economic development that is " Accelerating and Strengthening Economic Recovery and Sustainable Development Platform based System for Economic Democracy Fair " . PROPENAS strategic approach aimed at prioritizing policy measures and programs that emphasize the importance of institutional strengthening .
Cooperative development in this period was also less dynamic . Because on the one hand, the focus of development in this period will go to the development of SMEs and provide reinforcement to the Cooperative Savings and Loan savings and loans and unit area of SME centers , the plan to revamp the Cooperative Law No. 25 Year 1995 . On the other hand , since the synergy between the empowerment of cooperatives and SMEs in the construction of the center , Small and Medium Enterprises to become the savior of the economic crisis , play a role in stimulating economic growth and employment.
The word cooperative is not foreign to hear everyone was aware of what was cooperative here we will discuss what the cooperative principles , forms and how cooperative work . Cooperative is a business entity consisting of individuals or legal entities with the bases cooperative activities based on the principle of cooperative economics as well as the movement of people is based on the principle of the family .
Cooperative principle
The entire Cooperative in Indonesia are required to apply and implement the cooperative principles , as follows :
§ is voluntary and open membership ;
§ management democratically ;
§ distribution of net income made fairly comparable to the size of the business services of each member ;
§ provision of fringe benefits are limited to capital ;
§ independence ;
§ cooperative education ;
§ cooperation among cooperatives .
Shape and Position
1 . Cooperative consists of two forms , namely Cooperative Cooperative Primary and Secondary .
2 . Primary Cooperative is a cooperative made up of people , which is formed by at least 20 ( twenty ) people .
3 . Secondary Cooperative is a cooperative whose members Agencies Legal Cooperative , which was formed by at least three (3 ) Cooperative which has been incorporated .
4 . Cooperative formation ( primary and secondary ) done by deed of establishment containing Statutes .
5 . Cooperative has a residence in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.
6 . Cooperative obtain legal status after the deed of establishment approved by the government .
7 . In Indonesia there are only two (2 ) business entity that is recognized position as a legal entity , namely Cooperatives and Limited Liability Company ( PT ) . Therefore, the position / status as a Cooperative same as a Limited Liability Company .
Preparation Establishing Cooperative
1 . Members of the public who will establish cooperative must understand the intent and purpose of cooperatives and business activities to be carried out by the cooperative to increase revenues and benefits as possible for members . Basically cooperative was formed and established by the similarity of economic interests .
2 . In order for the people who will set up the cooperative gain understanding , goals, objectives , organizational structure , management , principles of cooperatives , cooperative development and prospects , then they can ask for counseling and education and pembinaan from the Office of the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium- local .
Cooperative Formation Meeting
1 . The process begins with the establishment of a cooperative organization of Establishment Cooperative Meeting by members of the public who become founders . At that time they had to prepare a basic budget , determine the type of cooperative and its membership in accordance with the cooperative business activities that will establish, plan operations , and the balance of the initial cooperative . Basis for determining the type of cooperative is the similarity of activities, interests and economic needs of its members . For example , Credit Unions ( KSP ) , Cooperative Consumers , Producers Cooperative , Cooperative Marketing and Cooperative Services .
2 . Implementation of the founding meeting , which was attended by the founders embodied in the Establishment and Meeting Minutes Deed containing Cooperative Statutes .
3 . Where appropriate , and at the request of the founders , the official Department of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises in the domicile of the founders can be asked to attend to help the smooth running of the meeting and gave necessary instructions .
Legal Entity Endorsement
1 . The founders of the cooperative approve the deed of establishment apply in writing to the Officer , enclosing :
§ 2 ( two ) copies of the deed of establishment of cooperatives of which sufficiently sealed (enclosed Cooperative Statutes ) .
§ Minutes of the Meeting of the Establishment .
§ Letter of proof of deposit of capital .
§ The initial plan business activities .
2 . Request validation Deed to officials , depending on the shape and extent of cooperative established cooperative membership area concerned , with the following conditions :
§ Head Office of the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium district / municipality authorize the deed of establishment of cooperatives whose members live in the district / municipality .
§ Head Office of the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Province / DI endorsed deed of incorporation of primary and secondary cooperatives whose members are domiciled in the Province / DI question and Primary Cooperative whose members reside in some provincial / DI , but the cooperative work domiciled in the Regional Office concerned .
§ Secretary General of the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises ( Center ) endorsed the establishment deed Secondary Cooperative whose members reside in several provinces / DI .
3 . In terms of the deed of incorporation attestation request is rejected , the reasons for refusal notified by officials to the founders in writing no later than three (3 ) months after receipt of the request .
4 . Refusal to approve the deed of establishment of the founders can re- submit the request within a period of 1 ( one ) month from the receipt of the rejection .
5 . Decisions on repeated requests given in a maximum period of 1 ( one ) month after the submission of repeated requests .
6 . Ratification of the deed of establishment provided within a period of 3 ( three ) months after receipt of the request validation .
7 . Legalization of incorporation documents published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia .
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